Half Year of 2020
Never would us ever imagined that for the half year of 2020, the world is struck by #covid19. How's powerful is the country is, how's rich is the country is, it just collapsed within a few month. Almighty Allah. I'm so…
Never would us ever imagined that for the half year of 2020, the world is struck by #covid19. How's powerful is the country is, how's rich is the country is, it just collapsed within a few month. Almighty Allah. I'm so…
Aku first time nak masak asam pedas. Ntah apa mimpi pun tak tau. Aku banyak refer kak #yatiekitchen punya IG, so post ni utk aku kuatkan memori aku supaya everytime nak masak asam pedas, aku tak yah nak skrol banyak-banyak Ya,…
Apa- apa pun aku suka sistem pendidikan agama di Johor. Lengkap. Dari bab fardu, ibadah, fekah, sirah, bisnes, harta pusaka sampai bab kawin dll. Tak lulus tak boleh naik darjah. Jadinya, tak nak malu punya pasal, memang pulun gila-gila. Tapi taklah…
Salam, post kali ni aku nak share salah satu buku yang aku rasa terkesan dalam hidup aku. "Hidup Sekali, Bermakna Lalu Mati", hasil karangan Ahmad Rifai'I Rif'An Jujur pada mulanya aku tak tertarik langsung nak beli buku ini kala bertemu kali…