Banyak plan today.bangun awal, buat some deep work, maybe even start one of my SaaS ideas. Tapi apakan daya, banyakla masak aku habis kat TikTok sahajo—nak sedapkan hati konon buat research. (Spoiler: It wasn’t.)
Sometimes I wonder, why is it so easy to waste time but so hard to start something meaningful? Adakah kepala otak aku suka last-minute pressure?. If something isn’t urgent, I just keep delaying it. I even made coffee, sat at my desk, opened my laptop… and did nothing. The tab was open, the idea was in my head, but my fingers refused to type.
Hmmm. Mungkin dia punya trick is to just start small. Instead of “launch a SaaS,” maybe today’s goal should’ve been “write one function.” Instead of “finish a book,” maybe “read 10 pages.” Sometimes, breaking things down makes them feel less scary.