Tahun Baru bermula, macam biasa all the 2025 punya plans grows. spent the morning listing down things I hope to achieve this year. Erm, It felt good, like I was in control. There’s something about a blank slate that makes you feel productive even before doing anything.
Tapi biasalah bila comes to reality, aku tengok last year’s punya goals, and some were still… undone. Tapi its was OK, pelan-pelan kayuh, at least ada satu-dua goals tercapai. Maybe the goal isn’t to tick every box but to just keep moving forward. Progress is progress, even if it’s messy.
So instead of forcing a “new year, new me” mindset, aku decide on something simpler: I just want to do better than yesterday. If I can wake up every morning with that intention, I think I’ll be fine.